BE YOU: Build efficiently your own understanding!
The BE YOU project aims to empower youth workers in addressing the rising social and professional anxieties experienced by Generation Z. To achieve this, we have developed an innovative training tool. Through this tool, young people will enhance their interpersonal communication, time management, teamwork, and self-confidence skills.
Project “Build efficiently your own understanding! ( BE YOU)” is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The project number: 2023-2-RO01-KA220-YOU-000183045
15 youth workers taking part in developing the BE YOU kit – the guide, LARPs and the e-learning platform. 70 other youth workers taking part in the workshops to enhance their knowledge and skills in non-formal education methods and tolls focused on addressing the rising social and professional anxieties experienced by Generation Z.
150 youngsters taking part in the workshops aimed at reducing anxiety by increasing self-confidence, improving face-to-face communication, time management and teamwork. They will be involved in testing the BE YOU kit and providing feedback as well as participating in awareness campaigns.
The BE YOU Network will unite local and European organizations active in youth work with the goal of raising awareness of the unique challenges facing Generation Z, sharing insights, best practices, and project outcomes.
goal 1: Enhance Youth Workers’ Capacity
Improve the skills and knowledge of youth workers to effectively address the challenges faced by Generation Z, enabling them to deliver high-quality youth work services.
Goal 2: Empower Generation Z
Develop the self-confidence, communication, and social skills of young people to facilitate their active participation in society and overcome challenges related to social and professional anxiety.
goal 3: Create Innovative Youth Work tools
Develop and disseminate innovative tools, such as the BE YOU kit, to support youth workers and young people in addressing social and professional challenges.
goal 4: Foster a Supportive Network
Establish a strong network of youth organizations and stakeholders to promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the widespread adoption of effective youth work practices
goal 5: Increase Public Awareness
Raise awareness of the importance of youth well-being, social inclusion, and the role of youth work in addressing the needs of Generation Z.
Spanning five European nations – Romania (project coordinator), Sweden, Poland, Greece and Cyprus – the BE YOU project unites experienced organizations in a collaborative effort to empower youth workers to equip young people with the skills they need to overcome social and professional challenges.
Join the BE YOU project
Explore our innovative resources, join our events, and stay updated on our mission to reduce social and professional anxiety in Generation Z. Together, we can empower the next generation to thrive!
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the ANPCDEFP. Neither the European Union nor the ANPCDEFP can be held responsible for them.